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Welcome to STEP: Systems for Training, Evaluation, and Performance. STEP is a small consortium of executives and senior practitioners in training and performance improvement disciplines. Members generally represent medium to large corporations recognized for their excellence in employee development and performance support. The group is intentionally small in order to remain collegial, and crosses industry sectors in order to minimize concerns about what can be shared (though a founding principle of the group is that we only share non-proprietary information). As one member put it, the idea is to replicate the kind of discussions that go on around a kitchen table. In other words, STEP offers its members a chance to "cut to the chase" and discuss issues that affect their success.

What's New

WEBINAR SERIES: What began as an occasional webinar early in 2004 has been formalized into a regular series. Webinars offer presentations by members and noted external speakers, and a forum for topical discussions hosted by STEP members. Follow the Webinars tab above for more details.

SPRING 2009 MEETING: Our 2009 meeting took place on March 30-31, hosted by Booz Allen Hamilton's Pat Golden, in McLean, VA. Details here. Post-meeting, I've added links to speakers' PPT slides to the meeting agenda.

SUMMER 2008 MEETING: Our 2008 meeting took place July 17-18, hosted by Sun Microsystems, at their main campus in Menlo Park, California. Details here. Post-meeting, I've added links to speakers' PPT slides to the meeting agenda.

SPRING 2007 MEETING: Once again, Malcolm Roberts and his colleagues at the Bank of Montreal's Institute for Learning neat Toronto served as our hosts. The last time they hosted was in the spring of 2002, and it was an event participants will never forget. The meeting content was great, but beyond that stands the superb interactive dinner we were served. (Photos available at STEPlite.) Malc outdid himself in 2007. On the business side, thanks to support from Karie Willyerd at Sun Microsystems, we had Jay Cross as a guest participant. Jay coined the term e-Learning and more recently has been an advocate for Informal Learning - trying to use new technologies to enhance the effectiveness of all that we learn on the job. Details here.

Joining Step

STEP is intentionally small to foster collegiality. Potential new members are generally recommended by existing members, reviewed for compatibility and to assure we remain diverse, then invited to try us out before committing to membership. If you've reached this screen, it's probably because your company has been invited to join - or is already a member and you've been invited to represent them. Membership is by company, renewed annually, with most companies having one to four representatives.
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Subscribing to our Listserv

We use YahooGroups to support our listerv. Once subscribed, by addressing mail to STEP@YahooGroups.com, members can send news or a query to all members at once. If you are already a member of STEP but haven't subscribed to the listserv, please click the Communications tab, above, and follow the instructions you'll find there.

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