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Photo Albums

Fall 2005
Fall 2004
Spring 2004

Fall 2003
Fall 2002
Spring 2002
Fall 2001
Spring 2001
Fall 2000
Spring 2000

Fun Stuff!

Photo Album

Our Fall 2000 meeting was hosted by Sempra Energy (Phyllis Huckabee) and Agilent Technologies (Judy Issokson) in San Diego, November 2-3.

We came:

Not necessarily by ship - though, in a way, Judy Issokson did.

This is the 1863 Star of India, operated as a museum in San Diego Bay.

We met:

Pat Golden's (FreddieMac) presentation.

USAA's Mike Dickinson and Johnson & Johnson's Jim DeVito look on.

From left to right, MasterCard's Susan Burke, Agilent's Judy Issokson, Schwab's Harry Wittenberg, MasterCard's Bernice Ripley, BestBuy's Tom MacPherson, and Sempra Energy's Laura Georgantos.

BestBuy's Tom MacPherson gives us a piano lesson.

(No, not really. But his presentation on Employee Engagement Surveys got a big round of applause.)

We ate:

Tioli's was a long-anticipated treat.

Located in a San Diego suburb, Tioli's has won awards for its superb Italian cooking. According to Judy Issokson, Tioli's stands for either "Take it or leave it" or "This is our last investment."

Judy Issokson and her husband, Chef Willie (Pelletier), made us welcome.

Isn't this a great picture (if I do say so myself)? Reminds me of a painting by Klee.

Judy's grandparents watched over us as we ate.
And we ate! (Susan Burke, caught in the act.)

Chef Willie at work.

Happy diners. From left to right, Jim DeVito, Phyllis Huckabee, Mike Dickinson, and Pat Golden.
The whole group at dinner. Clockwise from lower left, Cathy Keenan, Stan Malcolm, Mary Banen, Harry Wittenberg, Cathy Krim, Tom "Mac" MacPherson, Pat Golden, Judy Issokson, Chef Willie, Susan Burke, Ian MacNeil, Allison Rossett, Jim DeVito, Phyllis Huckabee, and Mike Dickinson.
Photo credits to Mike's wife, Marilyn.

Optional Friday evening entertainment?

(If anyone attended, I've not heard about it.)

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