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ARCHIVE: APRIL 10 , 2008, Thursday - 1:00 PM EDT; 10:00 AM PDT. 1 Hour Duration

Wikis, Blogs, and Virtual Worlds: Are we there yet?
Stan Malcolm, Sean Stewart (Discussion leaders)

The session will be a free-form discussion on the role these technologies might play in the corporate setting.

In addition to questions "from the floor", we'll discuss:

  • Where are you with these technologies (imagining, experimenting, piloting, implementing, etc.)?
  • Is this mainstream corporate? If not, will it ever be?
  • What are the benefits? ....the risks?
  • What are the obstacles (behavioral, technological, organizational/cultural, philosophical)?
  • What are the "black swans"? Can we anticipate some? (E.g., discoverablity / data mining)
  • How do you start if you want to get your feet wet (without drowning)?
  • What are the critical success factors (CSFs) for a broad implementation?

Important Pre-work:

While most STEP members have experience with Wikis and Blogs, and some have experimented with Virtual Worlds like Second Life, I suspect our experience of these environments in corporate settings is limited. Therefore, to assure a semi-level playing field please spend some time exploring these Sun sites:

  • Sun's Wonderland and MPK20 Virtual Workplace: http://www.sunlabs.com/projects/mc/mpk20.html Note the porta person component and the video for the Wonderland phone piece (it's amazing!).
  • Sun's New Hire Experience site: Specifally, start from the Participate tab (http://learning.sun.com/sls/staff/display/NEWHIRE/Participate) and follow links for "Blogging at Sun", "Wikis at Sun", and Social Networking" for some overview material. (Much of the most interesting New Hire Experience content and collaborative elements are invisible to us outside the firewall, but there's still loads to look at and admire. Note too that this is a work in progress. It has only been up for a few months.)
  • Blogging at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/ Access point for numerous Sun bloggers. Try a couple.
Archive Link: Click here to "attend" the archived session.

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  1. Go to: http://xoweb.webex.com
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OCTOBER 7, 2008, Tuesday - Noon EDT; 9:00 PDT. 1 Hour Duration
(We'll start PROMPTLY on the hour. Please sign on ten minutes early in case you need to download and install LiveMeeting 2007.)

Engaging Scenarios: Fiction writing principles applied to training.
Mike Dickinson, Director, eLearning & Curriculum, The SCOOTER Store

Imagine training that "reads" like a novel you can't put down. Scenario-based learning can be engaging, memorable, and content-rich – all attributes that are valuable in the corporate world. Pose a dilemma (hook ‘em), posit alternatives, nudge the learner to the preferred action; use techniques like "backstory" and discovery; count on the reader's imagination to fill in the blanks... These are just a few of the ways you can make scenario-based learning come alive, engaging your audience from beginning to climax.

Mike plans to describe techniques he learned as a fiction writer that he now applies in his role as a training designer. He'll offer plenty of examples, and hopes participants will share their experiences: what works, what doesn't; when is this approach effective, when not?

The audience for this webinar includes instructional designers at all levels; particularly those with an interest in developing case studies; text, video, interactive video, or classroom-presented job simulations; and/or multi-part role plays.

ARCHIVE: Sorry, we were unable to archive this session. However, Mike's PowerPoint slidea are available below.

About the Speaker:

Mike Dickinson MDickinson@thescooterstore.com 830-237-9418

A longtime STEP representative, Mike is responsible for meeting the technical training needs of people in a variety of jobs at The SCOOTER Store, the largest U.S. distributor of electric scooters and power chairs. The SCOOTER Store helps restore people's mobility and independence.


Mike's Presentation:

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