Andrea must be picked up constantly. She'll scream like crazy til you pick her up and stops and smiles in milliseconds when you do.

Andrea with curly hair, smiling. Andrea is a predator on other kids' bottles. She loves to be hugged and kissed.

Bianca is strong and happy. She took her first steps when I was with her and is about to enter the Toddler group.

Daniel has a twin sister, Georgiana. He is a very quiet boy.

Florika and Florentina, twin sisters. One has a red earring and one a green one. They are very close and Florika watches over her sister and touches her gently.

Florika is the quieter twin who amuses herself with her thumb.

Florin had corrective surgery for a club foot and is doing very well. He loves to be held.

Sabianca is a sweet child who is just about ready to walk.


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