Along the Air Line... 2006-2007 - Winter, Part 1
The Air Line Trail in Eastern Connecticut - Stan Malcolm Photos

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December 24th.


















January 3rd. Moonset, Raymond Brook Marsh.



January 6th. Tree reflections, near River Road, Westchester.



January 7th. Sunrise.






January 10th. Late afternoon sun.












January 15th. Rock cut on the East Hampton end of the trail. Recent rain created waterfalls.
Care to see and hear one in action?
(Requires QuickTime viewer.)



February 7th. Sunrise.



February 13th. Several weeks of below freezing temperatures have capped Grayville Falls with a thick layer of ice.






The brook still flows beneath its ice cap.






February 17th.



February 20th. A flock of bluebirds in the marsh today.



And a robin, waiting for spring like all of us.



February 27th. Light snow falling.



February 28th afternoon. Tiger waits for his owner at the Route 85 Trailhead.



A dog or coyote crossed the marsh.



Duck tracks everywhere.



A male Northern Pintail (Anas acuta) shares open water with the resident Mallards.